Steps For A Greener Tomorrow
The world talks about a greener future all the time. But are we aware of what that truly is? Greenery doesn’t necessarily mean growing a lot of plants, although that can save a lot of pain to many people and places. Going green basically means taking more environmental friendly decisions such as recycling natural resources, reusing materials and reducing wastage.
Start from school
These principles must be started from school. Some very useful Japanese principles can be 5S and kaizen. Even without that, you can simple teach a kid from their young age, to not to waste valuable resources such as water, space and trees. If they are taught that tearing papers off of your book or throwing a half used pencil away leads to cutting down more trees, it could be a valuable lesson. If the teenagers are trained on helping the needy and less privileged by sharing what they have, if the more notorious kids are instructed on to help lessen the destruction to public property and shown sustainable activities by industry such as using garbage for electricity production, asphalt repairs Sunshine Coast to mend a dent in the road etc. they might be interested in it and resolute to take it up themselves.
Teach the kids to teach others
School is a good first start to train them on the ways of environmental friendly and they can be asked to spread the message. Instead of throwing a birthday party with plastic cups and polythene decors, they can request the parents to have a tree-planting drive to mark a special birthday. Unlike a party, the trees will always be there and even when they are older it will signify what was done by them as a tribute to the environment which gives us so much. For class projects, these kids can start a marketing campaign on making others knowledgeable on the destruction on our surroundings as of now, and how and what the adults can do to lessen it, prevent it and finally, rebuild it.
Corporations and CSR
Corporations owe the environment and the public a duty in this regard as well. It was well-known that some just use the landfills to dump industrial waste and use unhealthy raw materials in their productions. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is sometimes used to evade tax; but a true corporation would use it to make a difference. As public, we can buy from the company which helps in keeping our surroundings better. For example, asphalt contractors Brisbane use materials from destroyed pavements, to build new ones. These sorts of actions can be seen as a step towards a positive change. A greener tomorrow doesn’t dawn automatically. We, as humans, have to work towards it. Humans existed for a short time; the earth can go on without us, easily. Therefore it is our duty to save what we have.